Reinstalling DirectX


The DirectX program created by Microsoft is critical in making sure that a game works properly. DirectX is considered the middle-man between your computer hardware and the game you are trying to run. If DirectX doesn't work properly, neither will the game, so it's best to re-install it should you run into a problem with this program. To install or reinstall the newest version of DirectX, follow these instructions:


  1. Click on the following link to Microsoft's DirectX download site:

  2. Click the Download the latest DirectX link.

  3. Click the Continue button just above the download details; this will validate your version of Windows.

  4. Click the Download button located where the previous Continue button resided.

  5. Click the Save button.

  6. Click the Desktop button on the left of the window to designate your desktop as the download location.

  7. Click the Save button to start the download.

  8. Once the download is completed, double-click the file you downloaded to your Desktop.

  9. Follow the prompts during the installation, to install the latest version of DirectX.

  10. Once the installation is complete, verify that the installation worked by launching the DirectX Diagnostic Tool.


For Windows Vista:

  1. Click the Windows button on the Windows Taskbar.

  2. Click All Programs.

  3. Click Accessories.

  4. Click Run.

  5. Type dxdiag in the available text box and click OK.

  6. Click the System tab.

  7. Make sure that the version of DirectX listed matches the version listed on the Microsoft web site above.


For Windows XP, 2000, ME, and 98:

  1. Click the Start button on the Windows Taskbar.

  2. Click Run.

  3. Type dxdiag in the available text box and click OK.

  4. Click the System tab.

  5. Make sure that the version of DirectX listed matches the version listed on the Microsoft web site above.