Lowering Sound Acceleration

Often time sound distortions or repetitive glitches can be the cause of a bigger problem. Sound driver conflicts can be linked to not just sound distortions and glitches but random and specific crashes during a game. You can temporarily disable some of the advanced audio processing techniques to try and bypass these issues by lowering your DirectX sound acceleration. To lower your sound acceleration, do the following:

  1. Click Start.
  2. Click Run.
  3. Type in DXDIAG into the available text field, and press OK.
  4. Once the DirectX Diagnostic tool has loaded, click on the Sound tab.
    1. This tab will show you your sound device and drivers.
    2. Warning : Should this tab be blank, refer to your computer manufacturer for the proper sound drivers.
  5. In the DirectX Features section, adjust the slide bar from where it is currently to Basic acceleration.
    1. Warning : This may disable advanced audio features which worked previously in other games. Should you notice a negative change in any other game, simply change the acceleration level back to where it was or to Full Acceleration.
  6. Click the Exit button.
  7. Start your game, and verify that the game now works properly.