Emptying your Temp Folder
Remnants of an installation or patch are stored by Windows as temporary
files, which can prevent the re-installation or starting of that program.
These temporary files are normally created to temporarily store information
in order to free memory for other purposes, or to act as a safety net
to prevent data loss when a program performs certain functions. These
temporary files however can trick the game's installation program into
thinking that the game is already installed, or that a patch is installed
when the patch has not been applied properly. Since this can cause complication,becomes
necessary to delete these useless remnants to give your system a clean
slate prior to launching or installing a piece of software.
To delete
your Windows temporary files on Windows XP:
- First you will need to delete the standard Windows
temporary files:
- Click on the Start button.
- Click Run.
- Type temp into the available
text field and click OK.
- Click on one of the files in the folder that
just opened, and press Ctrl and A to
select all of the files in this folder.
- Press the Delete key on your
- When prompted if you are sure, choose Yes
to All.
- Next you will need to delete your specific logins
temporary files:
- Click on the Start button.
- Click Run.
- Type C:\Documents and Settings\<Insert
login name here>\Local Settings\Temp
in the available text field and click OK.
- Note
: Be sure to specify your Windows login without the greater than/less
than symbols, in the bolded area above.
- Click on one of the files in the folder that
just opened, and press Ctrl and A to
select all of the files in this folder.
- Press the Delete key on your
- When prompted if you are sure, choose Yes
to All.
To delete
your Windows temporary files on Windows 95/98 or Windows ME:
- Click on the Start button.
- Click Run.
- Type temp into the available text
field and click OK.
- Click on one of the files in the folder which opened,
and press Ctrl and A to select all of
the files in this folder.
- Press the Delete key on your keyboard.
- When prompted if you are sure, choose Yes
to All.