CD/DVD Troubleshooting  - Win 2000/XP - 98/ME

Win 2000/XP


Sometimes installations will ask for a previous or next CD/DVD.  Be sure that the CD/DVD you have inserted into the drive is indeed the CD/DVD that the installation is asking for.  If it is, you may need to wait up to a minute before pressing “ok” to continue installation.


Sometimes the computer needs a minute to register that the appropriate CD/DVD is in the drive.  If the disk still cannot be found try minimizing the installation and checking through ‘My Computer’ to see if the disk was recognized.  




To do this:


1.  Minimize the install by clicking the minimize icon.  You can also minimize by right clicking the installations entry on the task bar and selecting the option to minimize.  

2.  Click “Start” then click “My Computer”.  

3.  Locate your CD/DVD-ROM drive.  

4.  Double click the drive letter corresponding to your drive.  If Windows allows you to do this it means that the OS did detect your CD/DVD-ROM.  Maximize your install and click ok to proceed with the install.



Win 98/ME


Sometimes installations will ask for a previous or next CD/DVD.  Be sure that the CD/DVD you have inserted into the drive is indeed the CD/DVD that the installation is asking for.  If it is, you may need to wait up to a minute before pressing “ok” to continue installation.  


Sometimes the computer needs a minute to register that the appropriate CD/DVD is in the drive.  If the disk still cannot be found try minimizing the installation and checking through ‘My Computer’ to see if the disk was recognized.




To do this:


1.  Minimize the install by clicking the minimize icon.  You can also minimize by right clicking the installations entry on the task bar and selecting the option to minimize.  

2.  Double click on the ‘My Computer’ icon on your desktop and locate your CD/DVD-ROM drive.  

3.  Double click the drive letter corresponding to your drive.  If Windows allows you to do this it means that the OS did detect your CD/DVD-ROM.  Maximize your install and click ok to proceed with the install.